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Weeping Seeds

“Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.”* – Psalm 126:6 (NIV)

The imagery of Psalm 126:6 is profound: a person sowing seeds while tears run down their face, yet they eventually return in joy, arms full of the harvest. This verse teaches us about the incredible power of the seed and how, even in our darkest moments, what we sow can transform our future.

In this verse, the seed represents something small and seemingly insignificant, yet it contains within it the potential for abundance. Just as a single seed, when planted, can grow into a field of grain, the efforts we make during hard times can lead to great harvests in the future. In life, this seed can be our actions, our prayers, our faith, our giving, or even our kindness toward others. It’s easy to feel that what we have to give in painful seasons isn’t enough, but even when we are struggling,  God has provided to us the seeds of everything He has promised us!

The act of sowing while weeping speaks to the reality that life isn’t always easy. There are seasons of loss, hardship, and discouragement. But this verse reminds us that even when we are overwhelmed by tears, we can still sow. We can still release something we have, even small, toward something we are waiting to receive. The act of sowing in sorrow is an act of faith. It shows that despite our current pain, we believe in a better future.

What’s powerful here is the understanding that we don’t have to wait for joy to sow good things. Sometimes, it is in our tears that the most powerful seeds are planted—seeds that will later bring a harvest of joy. The key is not giving up, even when we are weary.

The promise of Psalm 126:6 is clear: those who sow in tears will reap with joy. The weeping sower doesn’t return empty-handed—they come back with sheaves, with abundance. This is the assurance we have in God’s kingdom. Our struggles are not wasted. Every prayer, every act of obedience, every small step forward in faith is working toward a greater harvest that God has planned for us.

So, in the midst of your darkest days, when you feel like you have little to give, remember this: you are holding the seeds of change. Sow them faithfully, even through tears, and trust that God will bring forth a harvest of joy in your life.

Lord, thank You for the promise of Your Word that reminds us of the power of the seed. Even in times of hardship and tears, help us to keep sowing in faith, trusting that You will bring forth a great harvest in due time. Strengthen us when we feel weary, and remind us that our pain is not the end, but the beginning of something beautiful You are growing in us. In Jesus name, amen!

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