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The Story

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;” – Hebrews 12:2a (KJV)

The Christmas season invites us to marvel at the moment when God Himself stepped into the pages of human history. Through the birth of Jesus, the Author of life entered His own creation. This profound truth echoes in the words of C.S. Lewis: “The only way Hamlet could know Shakespeare is if Shakespeare wrote himself into the story.”

In the same way, we come to know God because He has written Himself into our story. The birth of Christ is God revealing Himself in the most personal way imaginable. He did not remain distant or detached but entered the world as a newborn baby—vulnerable, humble, and approachable. The One who spoke galaxies into existence became flesh and dwelt among us, writing Himself into the human experience to redeem it.

Hebrews 12:2 (KJV) reminds us to keep “looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.” As the Author, Jesus begins our story of faith. As the Finisher, He completes it with perfection and purpose. From the stable in Bethlehem to the cross at Calvary, He has written a story of hope, redemption, and love.

Just as the shepherds heard the angelic proclamation and Mary pondered the wonder of her role in God’s plan, we too are invited to see how God is writing Himself into the pages of our lives. His presence is often revealed in the quiet moments—through answered prayers, gentle guidance, and even in our struggles. He is always at work, weaving our individual stories into His greater narrative of redemption.

This Christmas, let’s pause to consider how God is making Himself known in our life. Where has He shown up in unexpected ways? What new chapters might He be writing for you in this season? And as you reflect on the birth of Christ, take comfort in knowing that the same God who entered the world in a manger is actively present in the details of your story.

Heavenly Father, You are the Author and Finisher of our faith. Thank You for writing Yourself into the story of humanity through the birth of Jesus Christ. Help us to fix our eyes on Him this Christmas and to see the ways You are working in our lives. Give us faith to trust You with the chapters yet to come, knowing that Your plans are always good. May we celebrate Your love and Your presence with joy and gratitude. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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